1 Samuel 25

Whose death is here mentioned, and what tokens of public regret were manifested?

Had the people by this time undoubtedly become sensible of their folly in rejecting him and desiring a king?

Where was he buried, and whither did David retire after this?

Of whom have we an account in this connection, and what is said both of the man and his wife ? N. B. Nabal signifies folly.

On what occasion did David send a message to him, and what were the young men commanded to say? V, 4—8.

Might David justly have claimed a reward from Nabal, instead of suing for a favor?

What harsh and insolent reply did Nabal make to them?

What was David's hasty resolve when informed of what had happened? v. 13. 21, 22.

What intelligence was given in the mean time to Abigail, and what step was she prompted to take? V. 14—19.

Would she, in ordinary circumstances, have been justified in disposing so largely of her husband's property without his consent?

What were the circumstances of her interview with David, and what the substance of the plea she offered on the occasion ? v. 23—31

Was the whole address managed with the utmost prudence and ingenuity?

Was the admonition taken as well as it was given, and what was David's reply? v.32—34. Prov. 25. 12.

Did he receive her present, and what were his parting words to her?

Might not this affair of David have suggested to Herod the proper mode of releasing himself from the rash vow which finally cost the life of John the Baptist? Mat. 14. 8-—11.

What occurred soon after at Nabal's house? v.36—38.

What important results grew out of this transaction? v.39,40.

Did her modest reply intimate that she declined the proposal?

What other wife did David take, and how had Saul disposed of Michal?

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