1 Samuel 2

How did Hannah evince her grateful sense of the Lord's goodness?

Why is she said to have prayed, rather than sung, this song of praise. N. B. Thanksgiving and praise enter largely into the spirit of true prayer.

Was not this song, like that of Miriam and Deborah, prompted by inspiration? N.B. From a comparison of the lofty strains in which Hannah here celebrates her triumph, with the language of Isaiah ch. 54, it would seem that the Holy Spirit, unawares to her, adapted her words to nothing short of the holy exultation of the future Gentile church.

Does Hannah's song bear a striking resemblance to that of Mary, the mother of Christ? Luke 1. 46—55.

What are those vicissitudes (ED: Vicissitude: a change of circumstances or fortune, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant) among men which she ascribes to the overruling hand of the Most High?

As there was no king in Israel at this time, what is meant by her concluding words? N.B. As the original word for anointed is Messiah, which here occurs for the first time in scripture, this is regarded as a very lucid prediction of "the Lord's anointed," the Saviour of the world, and the King of his spiritual Israel.

In what occupation did Elkanah leave his little son?

What was the character of Eli's sons, and to what was their wickedness in a great measure to be ascribed? ch. 3. 13.

What impious custom had these young men adopted in respect to the people's offerings?

Was not a sufficient allowance made for the Priests by the provisions of the Law, and what was it? Lev. 7. 29—34.

What if any man protested against their profane demand of meat for roasting?

How did God regard their conduct, and what effect had it upon the people?

Is this the natural consequence of the sins of those who hold the sacred office?

What is said of Samuel and his parents in the mean time? v. 18—21,

Did Eli hear of the abominations of his sons, and what did he do to restrain them? v22—25.

What was the fault of this reproof?

Should he at once have excluded them from the Priesthood? Deut. 33. 9.

Had his admonitions any effect upon them?

Does Samuel's pious behaviour appear to be purposely set in contrast by the sacred writer with the profane conduct of Eli's sons?

By what means did the Lord see fit to administer a solemn reproof to Eli?

How did the man of God open his message? v.27—29.

What high charge did he then bring against him? v.30.

Do those who allow and countenance their children in what is evil, in effect honor them more than God?

What former gracious intention toward the house of Eli and his father, does God see fit to reverse, and why?

Are we not to infer that the promise alluded to was made with an implied condition, that they should walk before God in faith and piety?

With what threatened judgments is this determination accompanied, and what was to be the sign of their execution? v 31—34.

What other purpose was announced in connection with this?

When was this promise fulfilled? 1 Kings 2.35.

What was threatened to the remnant of Eli's house, and was it accomplished? 1 Kings 2.27.

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