1 Samuel 18

What effect had David's late exploit, together with his general winning deportment, upon Jonathan?

How did he testify his affection, and from what does it appear to have been mutual?

Where was David's ordinary residence henceforward, how was he employed, and with what acceptance?

Did Jonathan take a course towards David which amounted to a generous relinquishment of his own prospects of the kingdom?

What incident occurred while Saul and David in company were visiting several cities of Israel after the death of Goliath?

Does the bestowment even of deserved praise require the exercise of the greatest prudence?

What effect had the circumstance on Saul, and how was his malevolence evinced? v. 8, 9.

Did it prompt him to any act of violence, and with what result?

What was the source of Saul's dread of David, what measures did it lead him to adopt, and what was the consequence?

Do the pure and holy lives of good men often strike the wicked with a kind of terror? Mark 6.20.

Did he gain in the affections of the people as much as he lost in those of Saul?

What plot did Saul devise for the purpose of exposing David to be cut off by the Philistines?

Was he not bound in truth and honor to give his daughter to David?

How did David reply to the proposition, and was it faithfully fulfilled?

Is the departure of God's spirit from a man is often marked in the subject of it by a gross abandonment of truth, honesty, and every moral principle?

When the former stratagem failed, what new snare was laid for David? N. B. "In the one of the twain," i. e. that between both his daughters, Merab and Michal, he should in the end become his son-in-law.

What did Saul command his servants, and what was the result?

What did Saul make the condition of David's marrying Michal, and did he readily comply?

What was the effect of Saul's increasing conviction that the Lord was with David, and what spirit did he manifest in this ? 1 John 3.12.

What was the impression produced upon the nation at large by David's wise behaviour, especially in respect to the Philistines?

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