1 Samuel 13

What policy did Saul adopt after reigning two years, and what disposal did he make of this force?

Had the Philistines in the meantime been regaining their strength?

What exploit is here recorded of Jonathan, and by what was it followed ? N. B. The Philistines appear to have held by some kind of compact several garrisons in the land of Israel, and it is conjectured that Saul from a dread of their growing power prompted Jonathan to this step in violation of the articles entered into, and that this act of perfidy brought the nation of Israel into great disrepute. The original term for " had in abomination" is the same as that employed by Jacob, (Gen. 34. 36.) which doubtless refers to the breach of a covenant.

Where were the people called together after Saul, and how large an army did the Philistines bring into the field?

What effect had this formidable armament on the Israelites? v. 6, 7.

How did Saul disobey Samuel's express order given in the name of the Lord, and what weak defence did he make to excuse himself to the prophet?

How did Samuel represent his conduct, and what sentence did he pronounce upon him?

What ensued upon the breaking up of the interview? v. 15, 16.

Where did the Philistines encamp, and how did they proceed in ravaging the country ?

Is a striking picture of Israel's distress drawn by the prophet, and what does he represent as the procuring cause of it? Is. 42. 22—25.

What signal advantage for carrying on war had the Philistines gained by their previous policy over the Israelites? v. 19, 20.

Did Nebuchanezzar afterwards adopt a similar expedient? 2 Kings 24. 14.

Were the the Israelites provided at all in this respect for an engagement?

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