Ezra 5

What distinguished prophets now arose to excite and encourage the people to resume the work which they had suspended?

Is it important that their prophecies should be read in connection with this history?

What change of governors was made by the new king Darius, and what reason have we to think better of them than of their predecessors? v.3—5. N. B. As Ezra, the historian, was not at this time at Jerusalem and therefore could not properly be included in the we (v. 4.) it is supposed that these are the words of the governors of Samaria which are afterwards given (v. 9, 10.) and that the writer designing at first to abridge the letter, or give an extract from it, determined on a second thought to insert the whole, which he has done, and therefore breaks off abruptly in the 4th verse.

Recite the substance of the epistle which these men transmitted to Darius v. 6—17.

How does it compare with the one contained in the foregoing chapter in point of truth and fairness?

Is it one great reason why God's people are persecuted, that they are misrepresented?

What evidence does the letter afford that Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel are the same person 1 v.16.

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