
Chapter 16-17

What provision was made for poor debtors, and what habitual disposition were they required to exercise towards their poor brethren? v.1-11

Does Christianity breathe the same spirit? James 2. 15, 16.

What command was given relative to Hebrew servants? v. 12—15.

What if they chose to remain? v. 16—18.

What was to be done with the male firstlings of cattle? v. 19—23.

What were the three annual feasts at each of which the people were required to assemble at the appointed place? ch. 16. 1—7.

What magistrates were to be appointed in all the gates of the people, throughout their tribes, and what were to be their duties? v. 18—20.

What punishment was to be inflicted uponindividual idolaters? ch. 17. 2—7. What was to be done in difficult, cases of judgement? v. 8. 9.

How were those to be dealt with who refused to abide by the decision? v. 10—13.

What new kind of Ruler does Moses intimate would be appointed after they should be settled in the land of Promise ? v. 16.

By what rules was the choice to be regulated, and what duties were to be incumbent on him when chosen? v, 15—20.

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