2 Kings 21

By whom was Hezekiah succeeded, and how long did he reign?

What was his mother's name, what does it mean, and what other application is there of it? Is. 62. 4. N. B. The name signifies "My delight is in her."

What was the character of Manasseh, and how did his iniquity show itself? v. 2—9.

What threatening message did God deliver by his prophets to Jerusalem and Judah? v. 10—15.

How is the account of Manasseh closed?

Have we any where a more pleasing account of his latter days? 2 Chron.33.11—17. N.B. Manasseh, we believe, is the only instance on record of the conversion, of an old man.

What was the name, character, and end of his successor? v. 19—26. N.B. "Those who set bad examples, though they may repent themselves,yet they cannot be sure that those whom they have drawn into sin by their example will repent; it is often otherwise." -Henry.

Does it now appear still more evident that the ruin of the nation is impending?

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