2 Kings 20

In what year of Hezekiah's reign does it appear, from a comparison of dates, that his sickness occurred? See ch. 18. 2 and 20.6. It was consequently during Sennacherib's first invasion.

What message came to him on this occasion, and in what manner did he receive and improve it?

Does it appear that his unwillingness to die arose from the fear of death?

From what motives is it proper for us to pray that our lives may be prolonged?

Is it to be supposed that Hezekiah actually founded his dependence on his own good works?

Ought not Christians at this day to be able on their dying beds to use the same language? 2 Cor. 1.12.

What was the Lord's answer to his prayer, and how was he informed of it?

Were means to be employed notwithstanding, and what do we learn from this fact?

What sign was given to Hezekiah to confirm his faith in the divine promise? N. B. "Dr. Lightfoot suggests that the fifteen songs of degrees Ps. 128.—134. might perhaps be so called, because selected by Hezekiah to be sung to his stringed instruments, Is. 38. 20. in remembrance of the degrees on the dial which the sun went back, and the fifteen years added to his life; and he observes how much of the Psalms is applicable to Jerusalem's distress and deliverance, and to Hezekiah's sickness and recovery." — Henry.

How did the pious king celebrate the Lord's goodness in his recovery? Is. 38. 9—20.

Of what sinful infirmity was he guilty shortly after this, and how was he reproved for it? v. 12—18.

Ought we to be particularly reserved in making a display, whether to friends or strangers, of the riches or good things in our possession?

How did he receive the prophet's denunciation, and how is the account of him closed?

Are the three preceding chapters to be found any where else in the Bible? Is. ch. 36—39.

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