Ruth 2

What rich relation had Naomi, and from whom was he descended? 1 Chron.2. 10—12. N.B. Boaz signifies, In him is strength.

Do the two women appear to have lived in very reduced circumstances?

What proposal, indicative of peculiar humility and industry, did Ruth make to her mother-in-law?

On what was this founded? Lev. 19. 9. 10.

Did she obtain her mother's consent, and whither did Providence conduct her steps?

When Boaz came to the field, what pious salutations were exchanged between him and his reapers?

Does such language appear to have been common in the harvest-fields of God's ancient people? Ps. 129. 7, 8

Does it afford a beautiful illustration of the effects of genuine religion, and ought it still to be retained among the pious ?

What conversation ensued displaying the kind and generous spirit of Boaz? v, 5—9.

What effect had it upon Ruth, and what did she say?

What did Boaz answer her? v. 11—14.

Did she partake of the proffered hospitality and what ensued? v. 15, 16.

What success had she in gleaning, and what conversation took place between her and Naomi when she returned home?

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