Judges 12

Did the Ephraimites again evince an envious spirit, and enter their complaints against Jepthah?

What did he answer them ?

What insult did the Ephraimites cast upon the Gileadites, and what was implied in it? N.B. If our translation be correct, it would seem to imply that the Gileadites were the mere remnant, refuse, and off-scouring of the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim, and that any pretensions to rank or eminence, notwithstanding the recent victory, was the height of arrogance and insolence. So blind is envy to the clearest demonstration of merit!

Is the "envy of Ephraim" expressly alluded to by the prophet? Is. 11. 13.

What was the unhappy consequence of the broil?

What did the men of Gilead do to prevent the return of the Ephraimites over Jordan, and how did they detect those that belonged to that tribe?

How many of them fell on that occasion?

For how long a period did Jepthah judge Israel and where was he buried?

Has he obtained a place among the worthies mentioned by Paul? Heb. 11. 32.

How long a period is embraced in the united judgeship of the other judges mentioned in this chapter?

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