Judges 10

Who were the two next Judges raised up after Abimelech, and how long a peace altogether did Israel enjoy under their government?

What remarkable fact is noticed relative to the sons of the latter? N. B. As this was a mark of peculiar honor, they were probably itinerant judges, riding from place to place as deputies of their father; a circumstance which redounded greatly to his credit as a good man, and a good father.

What new sins of the people are here mentioned, and what new troubles did they bring upon them?

Are their sufferings strikingly portrayed by the Psalmist? Ps. 106. 41-55.

How long a time were they oppressed by these nations? N. B. The invasion of both of them began in one and the same year, but was of unequal continuance.

Were they assailed on both sides of the Jordan?

What humble confession did their distress extort from them, and how did the Lord answer their cry? v. 10. 14.

Did this lead them to renewed repentance and reformation, and how was it evinced? N. B. "This return to the worship of God seems to have been permanent; for we do not find that they relapsed into idolatry under the subsequent judges." Scott.

Where did the Ammonites assemble and encamp?

Where did the children of Israel come together and what was their enquiry, and their resolve?

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