2 Kings 13

Who succeeded Jehu in Israel, what was his conduct, and the effect of it?

To what had Jehohaz recourse in this extremity, and with what effect?

Who was the " Saviour" here promised? Compare v.22. with v.25.

What was probably the reason that the Most High did not send them immediate deliverance? v.6.

To what mere remnant of military force were they reduced at this time?

Who succeeded Jehoahaz, and what is said of him?

What prophet fell sick during Joash's reign, and in what words did he lament over him? ch.8. 12. N. B. Elisha prophesied at least sixty years.

What directions did the dying prophet give to the king, and what was signified thereby? v.15—17.

What farther command did the prophet give, how did the king fail of compliance, and what was the consequence? N.B. The smiting of the arrows against the floor was to be an emblem of the manner in which Joash should improve his victory when he had his enemy at his feet. It became him therefore to have been earnest and thorough in it, and to have repeated the strokes a number of times, and to have manifested a spirit like David's, to beat his enemies small as the dust before the wind," but instead of this, he went about it coldly and heartlessly, as though the act was childish and unreasonable, and thereby both displeased the Prophet, and greatly marred his own success.

What remarkable circumstance occurred at the sepulchre of Elisha not long after he was buried?

How long a time did Hazael oppress Israel, to what was their relief owing, and by whom effected?

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