1 Samuel

Was Samuel the sole penman of the two books bearing his name? N.B. Samuel probably wrote the first twenty-four chapters of the first book, carrying forward the history to the time of his death.

By whom are the remaining parts supposed to "have been written? 1 Chron.29. 29.

What is this book otherwise called, and why?

What is its general scope? N. B. The sacred history having digressed to relate the idolatry of the house of Micah, and of the Danites, the catastrophe of the Benjamites, and the marriage of Ruth with Boaz, resumes the thread of the narrative respecting the Judges, and gives us an account of the birth of Samuel, whom God raised up for his people, after the death of Samson. The two books which bear the name of Samuel,comprehend an historical account of the transactions which happened in the time of the two last Judges, Eli and Samuel, and of the two first Kings, Saul and David.

Is this and the following book referred to by the New Testament writers as of undoubted divine authority? Mat. 12. 3, 4. Acts 13.21,22.

1 Samuel 1

What was the residence and ancestry of Elkanah?

By what other name was the place of his residence called? V. 19. N.B. This Ramah is supposed to have been the same as Arimathea mentioned Mat. 27.57. a few miles north or northwest of Jerusalem.

Of what tribe was he? 1 Chron. 6. 33—35.

How was he connected in marriage and what were the names of his wives?

What evidence is there of his having been a devout man, and who were the priests at Shiloh at that time?

Are we required under the Gospel to attend upon the ministrations of notoriously wicked men?

Why did he not perform these religious ceremonies at home? Deut. 12. 5—7.

What offerings were those of which the offerer and his family might partake ? Lev. 7. 15. Deut. 12. 17, 18.

What token of preference did Elkanah on this occasion shew to Hannah, and what effect had this, together with Hannah's being childless, upon Penninah?

Did not this state of things grow out of Elkanah's having probably disregarded the divine law? Lev. 18. 18.

Were not these family broils peculiarly unfavorable to the right performance of their religious exercises? Mai. 2. 13. Mat. 5.23—25.

Was this scene of vexation and irritation on the part of Penninah repeated from year to year as they went up to Jerusalem?

How was Hannah affected by this treatment, and how did her husband essay to comfort her?

Does this gentle rebuke appear to have prevailed upon her to eat?

What did she do, after the feast was over, in the presence of Eli? v. 9. 11.

What ought ever to be the resort of the Lord's people in trouble?

What construction did Eli put upon her conduct, and what did he say to her?

How did she vindicate herself?

Was this satisfactory to Eli, what encouragement did he give her, and what effect did it produce upon her?

What did they do in the morning?

What did Hannah call the child of her prayers, and why?

Ought not children to be instructed into the significancy of their own names?

Did Elkanah continue to go up to the yearly sacrifice, and why did not Hannah accompany him?

Is the care of children often a sufficient excuse for mothers and nurses absenting themselves from public worship?

Did Elkanah consent, and what was done when the child was weaned?

Was the offering she brought prescribed in the Law? Num. 15. 9. 10.

With what sacrifice was the child presented to Eli?

What was Hannah's language to him when she surrendered her child to the service of the sanctuary?

Ought we always to be willing to lend those blessings to the Lord which he has first lent to us?

Is not this professedly done in the baptism of our infant offspring?

1 Samuel 2

How did Hannah evince her grateful sense of the Lord's goodness?

Why is she said to have prayed, rather than sung, this song of praise. N. B. Thanksgiving and praise enter largely into the spirit of true prayer.

Was not this song, like that of Miriam and Deborah, prompted by inspiration? N.B. From a comparison of the lofty strains in which Hannah here celebrates her triumph, with the language of Isaiah ch. 54, it would seem that the Holy Spirit, unawares to her, adapted her words to nothing short of the holy exultation of the future Gentile church.

Does Hannah's song bear a striking resemblance to that of Marv, the mother of Christ? Luke 1. 46—55.

What are those vicissitudes among men which she ascribes to the overruling hand of the Most High?

As there was no king in Israel at this time, what is meant by her concluding words? N.B. As the original word for anointed is Messiah, which here occurs for the first time in scripture, this is regarded as a very lucid prediction of "the Lord's anointed," the Saviour of the world, and the King of his spiritual Israel.

In what occupation did Elkanah leave his little son?

What was the character of Eli's sons, and to what was their wickedness in a great measure to be ascribed? ch. 3. 13.

What impious custom had these young men adopted in respect to the people's offerings?

Was not a sufficient allowance made for the Priests bv the provisions of the Law, and what was" it? Lev. 7. 29—34.

What if any man protested against their profane demand of meat for roasting?

How did God regard their conduct, and what effect had it upon the people?

Is this the natural consequence of the sins of those who hold the sacred office?

What is said of Samuel and his parents in the mean time? v. 18—21,

Did Eli hear of the abominations of his sons, and what did he do to restrain them? v22—25.

What was the fault of this reproof?

Should he at once have excluded them from the Priesthood? Deut. 33. 9.

Had his admonitions any effect upon them?

Does Samuel's pious behaviour appear to be purposely set in contrast by the sacred writer with the profane conduct of Eli's sons?

By what means did the Lord see fit to administer a solemn reproof to Eli?

How did the man of God open his message? v.27—29.

What high charge did he then bring against him? v.30.

Do those who allow and countenance their children in what is evil, in effect honor them more than God?

What former gracious intention toward the house of Eli and his father, does God see fit to reverse, and why?

Are we not to infer that the promise alluded to was made with an implied condition, that they should walk before God in faith and piety?

With what threatened judgments is this determination accompanied, and what was to be the sign of their execution? v 31—34.

What other purpose was announced in connection with this?

When was this promise fulfilled? 1 Kings 2.35.

What was threatened to the remnant of Eli's house, and was it accomplished? 1 Kings 2.27.

1 Samuel 2

Why was the word of the Lord peculiarly precious in the days of Samuel's childhood?

What remarkable occurrence took place when Eli on a certain occasion laid him down to rest? V. 1—6.

Had Samuel been hitherto ignorant of this mode of revelation, and how did Eli direct him to improve it?

Was it not a severe rebuke to Eli, that a mere child should be preferred to him ?

What was the message that came to Samuel? V.11—14.

What is stated to be the procuring cause of the judgments denounced against the house of Eli?

Are we taught by this that it is the indispensible duty of parents to use coercive measures in the management of refractory children?

How shall we answer those who maintain that the rod should be discarded in family discipline? Prov. 23. 13, 14.

Is it not a false aspersion that the children of the pious more frequently become abandoned than those of others? Prov. 22. 6.

What was Samuel's deportment under the signal honor thus put upon him?

How did Eli become acquainted with the message,and in what manner did he receive it?

What further is said of Samuel, what was his reputation, and what subsequent marks of divine favor did he enjoy? N. B. The expression—"He let none of his words fall to the ground"—intimates that whatever he uttered in the character of prophet received a remarkable fulfilment, and thus firmly established his credit among the people. See ch. 9. 6.

1 Samuel 4

Against whom did the Israelites at this time go out to battle, and with what success?

How were the people affected by the disaster, and to what measure did they resort in their extremity?

What former circumstance probably suggested the idea? Josh. 6. 6.

What ought they to have done under these circumstances? Jer. 7. 3—7.

Does it appear that they either consulted Samuel, or asked counsel of the Lord in reference to the step?

Was not the removal of the ark contrary to the tenor of the law in Deut. 12. 5-11?

Did they accordingly send for the ark and by whom was it brought?

What was the manner of its reception in the camp?

Did they not in this transaction virtually make an idol of the ark?

Is it not always equally vain to trust in the mere form, or ordinances, or external privileges of religion?

What effect had the arrival of the ark upon the Philistines, and what did they say? v. 7—9.

What was the source of their dread ? v. 8.

What was the issue of the battle? v. 10. 11.

How is this event alluded to in the Psalms? Ps. 78. 61, 64.

Who brought the tidings to Shiloh, and with what tokens of grief?

Where and in what frame was Eli in waiting, and how was he and the city affected by the arrival of the messenger?

What was Eli's age and infirmities at this time, and how did he question the herald?

What answer did he receive, and what was the effect of it?

Does the fate of his sons, or the fate of the ark appear to have contributed most to this mournful event?

Do the interests of religion habitually lay nearer the hearts of the pious than any other concern? Ps. 137. 5,6.

What is to be thought of Eli's character on the whole?

Did these desolating judgments extend still farther into the family?

Does she appear to have been a pious woman?

What did she name her infant son, and what was signified by it?

Was it now that the abandonment of Shiloh commenced, and how is Jerusalem reminded of it ages afterwards? Jer. 7. 12—14. N.B. The ark was indeed finally recovered, but it was never restored to Shiloh.

Ought the memory of divine judgments to be long kept up?

1 Samuel 5

What did the Philistines do with the ark, and what was the consequence?

What was signified by this miraculous circumstance? Jer. 10. 6—16. 2 Cor, 6, 14—16.

Is this emblematical of Christ's entering and taking possession of the heart?

What superstitious custom did Dagon's fall give rise to among his priests and worshippers?

What judgment from the hand of the Lord befel the inhabitants of Ashdod, and what language did it extort from them?

Is this emphatically alluded to in the Psalms? Ps. 78. 65, 66.

What measures did they take to have the ark removed out of their coasts, and whither did they resolve it should be carried?

What circumstance similar to this happened to Christ, the ark's antitype, when on earth? Mat. 8. 34.

Did they execute this purpose, and what followed?

Where did they next design to carry it, how were the people of the city affected by the project, and what did they do to prevent it?

Was the hand of God in the mean time executing its destructive work among them also?

By what expression is the excruciating nature of their sufferings indicated?

1 Samuel 6

How long was the ark of the Lord in the country of the Philistines?

What measures did they take to get rid of it, and what was the result of their counsels? V, 1—3.

What were the special offerings which they proposed should accompany the ark ? N. B. No mention is previously made of mice among the plagues of the Philistines, but it is supposed that the anger of Heaven accompanying the captured ark, caused them to spring up in countless multitudes, spoiling the corn, and wasting and marring the land.

What precedent did they plead to enforce their counsels? v. 6.

How should divine judgments upon others be improved?

By what means did they propose to have the the ark transported?

In what presumptuous manner did they propose to themselves to decide whether their sufferings had come by chance, or from the hand of God?

Did God graciously suffer himself to be tempted and prescribed to, and what was the result of the experiment? v. 10—12.

What was there miraculous in this incident?

To whom did the city of Bethshemesh belong? Josh. 21.14—16.

How were the inhabitants employed when the ark came among them, where did it come to a stand, and what was done on the spot? v.14, 15.

What judgment befel the men of Bethshemesh, and for what cause? N. B. The number here specified has appeared to many incredibly large, but it is not necessary to suppose the event to have happened at one time, or on one spot. Multitudes looking into the ark and passing on for the present with impunity, would embolden other multitudes to follow their example. It is probable that they took occasion from the present mean and depressed condition of the ark to go to a length of presumption which they would not have thought of in ordinary circumstances. But their temerity cost them dear. In like manner, there are those under the Gospel who take advantage of Christ's voluntary humiliation for our sakes—his condescending to be found in fashion as a man—to make free with his exalted person, to disparage his divinity, and spoil him of the greatest portion of his glory—a conduct like that of the men of Bethshemesh, fraught with the utmost danger, besides being the height of ingratitude.

How were the people impressed with this fearful stroke, and what did they do to have the ark removed? N. B. Kirjath-jearim was situated between Bethshemesh and Shiloh, and they probably thought this removal would be furthering it so much on the way to its final destination.

1 Samuel 7

Did the men of Kirjath-jearim comply with the request, and what did they do with the ark?

Ought the judgments inflicted upon those who profane the ordinances, to make us afraid of the ordinances themselves ?

How long did the ark abide in Kirjath-jearim?

Were the people brought at last to feel their need of the divine presence, and to lament after it?

How did Samuel set himself to improve this promising disposition, and with what success? N.B. This, though briefly described, is supposed to have been one of the most powerful revivals ever recorded in the history of the chosen people.

What fruits meet for repentance did the people bring forth? v. 4.

What further did Samuel do to carry on this good work to perfection?

Ought the management of revivals at this day to be regulated as nearly as possible by the accounts given of like events in the scriptures?

Taking Samuel's conduct on this occasion for an example, what ought it to be the grand object of ministers and others to impress and inculcate upon the minds of the people at such seasons?

Ought we to be any more satisfied with a mere external reformation than Samuel was with the children of Israel's putting away Baalim and Ashtaroth at this time?

In what new capacity did Samuel begin to act on this occasion at Mizpah?

In what light did the Philistines view this gathering of the children of Israel, and what did they do accordingly?

Are the combinations of God's people for pious purposes often eyed suspiciously by the world?

Does this conduct of the Philistines also fitly represent the opposition made by Satan and his emissaries against those who are repenting, reforming, and turning to God?

How were the people of Israel affected by the news of these operations, and what application did they make to Samuel?

What did Samuel do accordingly, and what followed? V. 9—11. N. B. Samuel was not a priest, but like Gideon before him, he was directed on this occasion to officiate in that capacity. The Philistines were no doubt inflated with the highest confidence of success from the previous advantages gained over the Israelites near to this very place.

How did Samuel commemorate this timely deliverance? N. B. Ebenezer signifies, stone of help.

What practical hint is hereby afforded to the people of God in all ages?

What lasting effect had this event upon the Philistines?

What captured possessions were restored to Israel?

How long did Samuel judge Israel, and in what mode did he fulfil the duties of his office?

Where was his residence, and what did he do in order to keep up the public exercises of religion?

1 Samuel 8

What measure, intended for the public good, did Samuel adopt when he became old?

What were the names of his sons, and where were they stationed ? N. B. Beersheba was the southern extremity of the land of Israel, and Dan the northern.

What was the result of this policy? v. 3.

What precept of the divine law did they violate by this conduct? Ex. 23. 8. N. B. it is reasonable to infer that Samuel had inculcated the best principles upon his sons, as well as proposed to them a blameless example, but the love of money, the root of all evil, seems to have effectually corrupted whatever virtues they had, and led to a sad disappointment of their father's hopes.

What representation and request did the Elders make to Samuel?

Should they not rather have required of him to bring his sons to an account for their maladministration?

Are there not grounds to believe that they desired a king for other reasons than the ostensible one? v. 20.

How did Samuel receive their request, and what answer did they obtain from the Lord relative to it?

Was there any intimation in the law of Moses, that such a change should probably take place in the government? Deut 17. 14.

What does the prophet Hosea say of the Lord's giving way to their impatient demand? Hos.13.11.

What were some of the consequences which Samuel assured them they might look for from the gratification of their wishes?

Did he plainly intimate that they would finally repent of their choice?

Had his representations the desired effect?

What plea did they make use of in persisting in their request?

Did Samuel again commend the affair to God, and what answer did he receive before dismissing the people?

If the leading men who urged the measure had been themselves ambitious of kingly power, would they not in some way or other have proposed themselves as candidates?

1 Samuel 9

What account is given of Saul's parentage and person?

Is there any propriety in calling Saul a young man, when he already had sons grown to man's estate? ch. 14. 49. N. B. There is nothing in the original to answer to this epithet; the correct translation being—"a choice and goodly person."

Relate the circumstances by which Saul came to be introduced to Samuel?

Was this whole affair directed by a special providence? Prov. 16. 9.

What were the prophets in Israel anciently called?

Whom did they meet with as they went up the hill into the city, and what conversation ensued? V. 11—13.

What authority had Samuel or any one else to sacrifice in any place but that which God had appointed? N. B, As the ark was now removed from its tabernacle at Shiloh, as there was no other place appointed for its permanent location , and as there was no altar for sacrifices at Kirjath-jearim where it was now abiding, the law in Deut.12. 5—7, appears to have been for the present necessarily suspended. This circumstance goes with many others to shew that that whole system of worship was merely typical, of which the substance was yet to come ; otherwise the forms would have been more strictly adhered to.

Do we learn from Samuel's example the propriety of craving a blessing upon our meals?

Who came out into the street and met them as they advanced to the city, and by what means was he enabled to recognize Saul? V. 16, 17.

How did Saul accost the prophet, and what words passed betwen them? v. 13—21.

Is it to be inferred from Saul's enquiry that the prophet dispensed with every thing stately and pompous in his appearance and wore the garb and appearance of a plain unpretending man?

How did Samuel entertain Saul and his servants? V. 22—24.

What other interviews had they together? v,25—27.

What was probably the tenor of Samuel's conversation with Saul?

1 Samuel 10

With what ceremonies did Samuel proceed to confer the royal office upon Saul?

What was the vessel from which Samuel afterwards anointed David? ch. 16. 13. N. B. This may emblematically represent the more firm and lasting character of David's kingdom, while that of Saul was brittle and soon broken.

What, beside affectionate good wishes, was intimated by the kiss? Ps. 2. 10—12. J Kings, 19. 18.

On what occasion was the ceremony of anointing made use of, and what was typically signified by it? Ex. 28. 41. 2. 2' Kings 9. 6. N. B. The rite pointed to the great Messiah, the Anointed One, especially to his being anointed with kingly rule over his church, and to the plenary effusion of the Holy Spirit upon them according to John 3.34.

What signs does the prophet give Saul for his further satisfaction? v. 2—6.

With what directions did he accompany them?

What happened as he turned away from Samuel to pursue his journey?

Is it to be understood by this that Saul now experienced a real work of regeneration ? N.B. Saul henceforth no doubt became the subject of frequent serious impressions, but his life gives us no good reason to believe him to have been a pious man. When it is said therefore, that " God gave him another heart"—it is merely meant that he conferred upon him those special endowments or gifts of government which would qualify him for the able discharge of the duties of his new office.

What happened to him according to the word of Samuel as he passed on his way, and what enquiries did it give rise to?

What answer was returned ? N. B. The expression—"But who is their father"—is generally understood as being equivalent to—" Who but God is the father of prophets— and as he puts the spirit of prophecy upon whom he pleases, is it any wonder to find even Saul among them." It is possible however that it may be intended to insinuate a doubt of the source of the inspiration in his and similar cases, and that they could not judge whether it was genuine till time and other circumstances should disclose the author and father of it. Viewed in this light it suggests a proper enquiry to be made in all ages concerning such as we often see brought under sudden and powerful religious excitement :—" But who is their father?"—Where do their raptures come from?

What proverb originated from this circumstance?

What questions were asked Saul when he returned home, and how did he answer them?

Where did Samuel after this convoke a general assembly of the people and for what purpose? Ans. To confirm and ratify in a formal manner the election of a king which God had previously made.

How did he address the people and what order did he give them?

What was the issue of the lot?

Where did Saul conceal himself and what may we suppose to have been his motive?

What was his personal appearance when produced and presented to the people?

Was this any commendation to him in the eyes of the Lord? Ps. 147.10.

How was he received by the people?

Does this circumstance throw light upon an expression in the prophecy of Balaam? Num. 23. 21.

What did Samuel leave on record before dismissing the assembly ? N. B. This means that he clearly pointed out the terms of the compact between the prince and the people—-defining the rights, prerogatives,and rules of government of the one, together with the duties and privileges of the other.

Whither did Saul return, and how attended?

How was he regarded by the men of Belial, or the baser class?

1 Samuel 11

What hostilities were now waged against a portion of the Israelites, and what terms did they offer to the invaders?

Did Nahash require still harder conditions, and what had the elders to say to his terms?

How did tidings of the affair come to Saul, and how was he employed at the time ?

What was said to him, how was he moved by it, and what did he do?

What was signified by this act, and what effect had it? V.7.

What number of men was soon mustered in Bezek?

What word was sent back by the messengers, and to what degree did it animate the men of Judah? V.9.10.

In what order and at what time did they come up with the enemy, and with what success did they fall upon them? N. B. Saul seems to have accomplished this expedition with amazing celerity, as his promise was that he would afford them help next day before the sun was hot, yet he arrived before day in the morning watch, and by noon had completed the victory!

What mark of honor and regard did the people now manifest towards Saul and how did he receive them?

What subsequent occasion did the inhabitants of this city avail themselves of to shew their respect for the services of Saul ? ch.31. 11—13.

Did Saul thus far manifest a spirit every way becoming his station?

What motion did Samuel make to the people before they dispersed, and what followed?

Is it highly proper that the people of God after special deliverances should renew the oath of allegiance and the vow of devotedness to Him?

1 Samuel 12

How did Samuel begin his address, and what solemn appeal did he make to the people and to the Lord on the occasion? v. 1—5.

What prominent points in their past history does he bring up in review before them? v. 6—12.

What does he assure them as to their future conduct? V. 13—15.

How does he go on to convince them of their great sin in desiring a king?

What was there peculiarly miraculous in this?

What impression did the event produce upon the people, and how did he assuage their fears?

What declaration does he make to them in the Lord's name, and what does he engage for himself?

What do we find parallel to this in the language of Paul? 2 Cor. 12. 14, 15.

How does he conclude the whole? v. 24, 25.

1 Samuel 13

What policy did Saul adopt after reigning two years, and what disposal did he make of this force?

Had the Philistines in the meantime been regaining their strength?

What exploit is here recorded of Jonathan, and by what was it followed ? N. B. The Philistines appear to have held by some kind of compact several garrisons in the land of Israel, and it is conjectured that Saul from a dread of their growing power prompted Jonathan to this step in violation of the articles entered into, and that this act of perfidy brought the nation of Israel into great disrepute. The original term for " had in abomination" is the same as that employed by Jacob, (Gen. 34. 36.) which doubtless refers to the breach of a covenant.

Where were the people called together after Saul, and how large an army did the Philistines bring into the field?

What effect had this formidable armament on the Israelites? v. 6, 7.

How did Saul disobey Samuel's express order given in the name of the Lord, and what weak defence did he make to excuse himself to the prophet?

How did Samuel represent his conduct, and what sentence did he pronounce upon him?

What ensued upon the breaking up of the interview? v. 15, 16.

Where did the Philistines encamp, and how did they proceed in ravaging the country ?

Is a striking picture of Israel's distress drawn by the prophet, and what does he represent as the procuring cause of it? Is. 42. 22—25.

What signal advantage for carrying on war had the Philistines gained by their previous policy over the Israelites? v. 19, 20.

Did Nebuchanezzar afterwards adopt a similar expedient? 2 Kings 24. 14.

Were the the Israelites provided at all in this respect for an engagement?

1 Samuel 14

What bold stroke against the enemy did Jonathan meditate, and to whom did he communicate it?

Where was Saul abiding at this time and how was he attended ?

Who attended him as priest, and with what ensigns of the sacred office?

Did this circumstance probably inspire him with a vain confidence? Judg. 17. 13.

What was the relative local situation of the two armies? v. 4, 5.

How did Jonathan break the project to his armor-bearer, and how did he answer him?

Does the scheme indicate a strong spirit of faith in both of them?

Does the result prove it to have been suggested by a divine impulse?

By what considerations did he encourage himself in the undertaking?

Are we at present to expect miraculous interpositions in our affairs?

What token did they agree upon according to which their proceedings were to be determined?

What was the core sequence of their discovering themselves to the Philistines?

What was the success of their first onset?

How is the panic described, and what miraculous event occurred to increase it?

Have we already considered a case very similar? Judg. 6.

What did the watchmen of Saul observe, and what steps were immediately taken?

Did the increasing tumult in the host render Saul so impatient that he could not wait for an answer from the oracle?

Should we suffer our most pressing business to interrupt our religious exercises ?N. B. The event frequently proves that the calls to which we give way are by no means urgent, and that it would have been better for us to have continued at our duties. Just as in the present case Saul found the enemy so busily employed in slaughtering each other, and doing his work for him, that his services could have been very well spared till he had finished his devotions.

What unexpected success did the Israelites receive on that occasion? v. 21.

Whither did the battle pass over?

What circumstances occurred to distress the Israelites in the full tide of their victory?

Was this a very rash and impolitic order, and enforced with a needless severity ?

Were the people cruelly tantalized by it?

How did Jonathan fall under the curse and what ensued? v. 27—30.

Whither did they pursue the enemy, and what was the unhappy consequences of their fasting? V. 31—33.

What express law was broken by this means? Deut. 12. 23.

What order did Saul issue for the purpose of staying their sinful precipitancy?

How did he distinguish the place?

What propositions did he then make to the people, and how was it received?

What deterred him from putting it in execution?

Docs he seem to have concluded that God was for some reason offended, and how does he proceed to detect the transgressor? v.38—42.

Is this always a reasonable conclusion when our prayers are not answered? v. 43—45.

Did not Saul in this matter shew himself blinded to his own sin in troubling Israel?

Are those often the severest towards other's faults, who are most indulgent to their own?

How was Jonathan rescued ?

Was the opportunity thus lost of completing the destruction of the Philistines?

What is said of Saul and his achievements after this?

1 Samuel 15

What commission does Samuel now give to Saul, and how does he commence the delivery of it? V. 1—3.

Where have we an account and how expressed, of this people's being condemned and devoted to destruction? Deut. 25. 17—10

How large a force was soon collected, and what was Judah's proportion ?

How did Saul station his army, and what message did he send to the Kenites or descendants of Jethro?

What was Balaam's prophecy respecting the Amalekites and Kenites? Num. 24.20,21 N. B. Though the latter were to be wasted, yet Saul was not to waste them.

Do good men often leave the divine blessing as an inheritance to their children?

Was it not as just to punish the present race of Amalekites for the sins of their fathers, as to reward the Kenites for the good deeds of theirs? Mat. 23. 35. N. B. There is nothing, however, in the scriptures which teaches that God punishes men independent of their own personal deserts.

Did the Kenites depart?

Is it always dangerous to be found among God's enemies when desolating judgments are abroad? Rev. 18. 14.

What was the issue of the enterprize and what was faulty in Saul's conduct on the occasion? N. B. The command given to Saul (v. 3.) was no doubt designed as a particular test of his obedience ; one on which the most momentous consequences were suspended, and in this respect analagous to the charge given to Lot and his family about looking back towards Sodom, and not unlike that laid on our first parents relative to eating of the forbidden tree. The same principle of special probation we doubt not, from Heb. 12. 15--17., holds under the Gospel, and those who have received more than usual illumination ought to be aware, when brought into circumstances of strong temptation, that their eternal destiny may hinge upon the issue of that one trial, not however but that the truly penitent shall evermore find mercy.

What word of the Lord came to Samuel on this occasion, and how was that good man affected by it?

What was told Samuel respecting Saul's movements, as he was in pursuit of him, and what were the circumstances of their interview? N. B. By Saul's "setting him up a place" is probably meant his erecting a trophy, triumphal arch, or some other monument of his victory over the Amalekites.

What solemn remonstrance did the prophet then utter and how did Saul endeavor to to justify himself? v. 14, 15.

Of what does he proceed to remind Saul, and what use does he make of this fact? v. 16—19

How does Saul still persist in vindication of himself and does his own confession convict him of downright disobedience?

Is hypocrisy in religion very apt to be detected by a partial obedience?

What appeal did Samuel then make to Saul's conscience on the grand principle of serving God?

What does our Saviour say of similar import to this? Mat. 12. 7.

How did he then proceed to read out to him his doom?

What confession was Saul at length induced to make and what request did he join with it?

What did Samuel reply, and what happened as he turned to go away ?

How did he improve the circumstance ?

Is it unspeakably fearful to incur a sentence of which the Strength of Israel will never, never repent ?

What request did Saul urge hereupon, shewing that his principal concern was about his credit with the people?

Is it always a bad sign when one who pretends to be humbled before God is very solicitous to be honored in the sight of men? John 5.44.

Relate the circumstances of the fate of Agag?

What led him to suppose that the bitterness of death was past? N. B. He probably inferred this from having been spared when his subjects were slain, and from his having now been taken out of the hands of an armed and vindictive king, and brought before a gentle prophet.

Does this represent the language of multitudes who are equally likely with Agag to be disappointed?

Who alone are entitled to adopt this language?

What appalling sentence does Samuel pronounce against him, and how does he proceed to execute it?

Did he thus shew himself entitled to the praise bestowed upon his tribe in reference to another transaction? Deut. 33. 9.

What similar incident is related of another prophet? 1 Kings 18. 40.

Did Samuel henceforth ever come to see Saul?

What token of concern did he nevertheless evince for him? v. 34.

1 Samuel 16

What appears to have been Samuel's ordinary occupation after retiring from public life?

On what new occasion relating to the state was he called out?

What objection, did he raise and how did the Lord obviate it?

Was this in any measure repugnant to truth?

Whom was he bid to call to the sacrifice, and what else to do?

How did the men of Bethlehem receive him, and what was probably the occasion of their dread? N. B. Either conscious guilt led them to fear him as a messenger of wrath, or they dreaded the anger of Saul in case they entertained him. On grounds somewhat similar, "all Jerusalem was troubled with Herod" when they heard of the birth of Jesus in this very city of Bethlehem, dreading the effect of his jealousy.

What was Samuel's answer, and whom did he sanctify ? N. B. By this is principally meant, that he commanded them to sanctify themselves; according to a phraseology which we have had occasion to notice before.

Who was the eldest of Jesse's sons, what was Samuel's impression when he presented himself, and how was his error corrected?

Were the prophets themselves liable to mistake at times? 2 Sam. 7. 3.

How many of Jesse's sons came successively before Samuel and with what result?

How many sons had he in all? ch. 17. 12.

What followed upon the rejection of the seven? v. 10. 11.

How does the Pslamist speak of this? Ps. 78, 70,71.

What was David's personal appearance?

What is the import of his name? Ans. Beloved, from his being one of the most eminent types of the Beloved Son of God, who is frequently called David in the prophetic scriptures. See Jer. 30. 9. Hos. 3. 4, 5, He is supposed to have been at this time eighteen or twenty years of age.

What mark of honor was put upon him and what effect followed? 2 Sam. 23. 1, 2.

Did this anointing actually invest him with the kingly authority without the concurrence of the people? 2 Sam. 2. 4.

Whither did Samuel retire after this last public act?

What happened to Saul in consequence of his transgressions, and what is to be understood by it? N. B. It is implied that the peculiar tokens of divine favor which he had formerly enjoyed were withdrawn—that his good dispositions, together with his capacity for public business forsook him, and that he became a prey to fretfulness, rashness, suspicion, melancholy; at one time giving way to ungoverned bursts of anger, at another sinking into the terrors of despair;

Is something like this still the consequence of grieving away the spirit of God by wilful sin?

What expedient did his servants suggest for mitigating his distress, and what did he say to it?

Could they have given him much better advice, and what should it have been?

Does this strikingly represent the conduct of those who endeavor to drown conviction in the pleasures of sense?

What individual was recommended to Saul for this purpose, and on what grounds?

By what means was he brought to court, in what esteem was he held, and what the duty assigned him?

Had it the desired effect?

What other instance have we of music being resorted to to compose and exhilerate the spirits? 2 Kings 3. 15.

1 Samuel 17

Does David appear to have retired from the court for some time previous to the events related in this chapter? v. 15, 58.

What armies are here presented to us in hostile array, and what were their respective stations?

What remarkable personage stands forth as the champion of the Philistines?

Are we any where else informed how his ancestors came to be seated in Gath? Josh.11.22.

What description is given of his person, and armor? N. B. His height at a moderate calculation is computed to have been upwards of ten feet, and his coat of mail alone, saying nothing of his other armor, weighed upwards of 150 pounds!

How did he challenge and defy the armies of Israel, and what was the effect upon them?

To what was their faint-heartedness owing? Deut. 32.

How long a time did he continue to utter this insolent language? v. 16.

What is said of Jesse's age and family at this time? V. 12—14.

How was David employed at this crisis, and by what means did he get to the camp? V.17, 18.

Was there a peculiar Providence in David's being sent rather than any of his brethren?

What is said of his compliance with his father's order, and what took place when he arrived? V. 19—24.

What tempting rewards were held out to the man who should encounter and kill the Philistine?

What was meant by the expression that "his father's house should be free in Israel?" Ezra 7. 24.

What did David say to those that stood by, and what was the jealous and reproachful answer of his brother?

What was David's meek, yet manly reply, and was he at all discouraged or deterred ?

Did his words at length come to the ears of Saul, and what does he say to him when called into his presence?

Was David's heroic purpose doubtless the effect of a divine impulse upon his mind?

What objection did Saul suggest and how did David reply? v. 33—37.

What fruit should we always derive from the past experience of God's mercies? Ps.77. 5—11.

How did Saul proceed to accoutre this youthful champion, and what was the consequence?

Was this circumstance providential, and what was the design of it? Zech. 4. 6. 1 Cor.1. 27.

With what armor did he equip himself, and draw near to the Philistine, and in what spirit did Goliath receive him? v. 41, 42.

What was said by them respectively as they drew near to the combat? v. 43—47.

Relate the remaining circumstances and the final issue of the engagement? v. 48—51.

How did the men of Israel follow up this victory?

How did David dispose of his trophies, and what notice did Saul take of him? v. 55, 58. N.B.Although it is hardly supposeable that Saul had lost all recollection of David who for some time was attached to his court, and even to his person, yet it is very conceivable that he had, in his mental agitation and distraction, forgotten his family, after the name and character of which he now enquires.

1 Samuel 18

What effect had David's late exploit, together with his general winning deportment, upon Jonathan?

How did he testify his affection, and from what does it appear to have been mutual?

Where was David's ordinary residence henceforward, how was he employed, and with what acceptance?

Did Jonathan take a course towards David which amounted to a generous relinquishment of his own prospects of the kingdom?

What incident occurred while Saul and David in company were visiting several cities of Israel after the death of Goliath?

Does the bestowment even of deserved praise require the exercise of the greatest prudence?

What effect had the circumstance on Saul, and how was his malevolence evinced? v. 8, 9.

Did it prompt him to any act of violence, and with what result?

What was the source of Saul's dread of David, what measures did it lead him to adopt, and what was the consequence?

Do the pure and holy lives of good men often strike the wicked with a kind of terror? Mark 6.20.

Did he gain in the affections of the people as much as he lost in those of Saul?

What plot did Saul devise for the purpose of exposing David to be cut off by the Philistines?

Was he not bound in truth and honor to give his daughter to David?

How did David reply to the proposition, and was it faithfully fulfilled?

Is the departure of God's spirit from a man is often marked in the subject of it by a gross abandonment of truth, honesty, and every moral principle?

When the former stratagem failed, what new snare was laid for David? N. B. "In the one of the twain," i. e. that between both his daughters, Merab and Michal, he should in the end become his son-in-law.

What did Saul command his servants, and what was the result?

What did Saul make the condition of David's marrying Michal, and did he readily comply?

What was the effect of Saul's increasing conviction that the Lord was with David, and what spirit did he manifest in this ? 1 John 3.12.

What was the impression produced upon the nation at large by David's wise behaviour, especially in respect to the Philistines?

1 Samuel 19

What new troubles came upon David after his marriage, and what blessing had he to counterbalance them? Prov. 17. 17.

Does deep settled malice naturally tend to murder?

How did Jonathan endeavor to effect the safety of David?

Does this plan appear to have been so contrived that David might be an ear-witness of the conference?

By what engagements did he attempt to pacify and reconcile his father?

What effect had his intercession upon Saul, and what were the fruits of it? v. 6. 7.

What signal service did David again perform for his country, and how was this and all his kindness to Saul rewarded? v. 8—10.

What further mischief did Saul plot against David, and how was he delivered from it?

What escape similar to this is mentioned in the New Testament? Acts 9. 25.

What Psalm did David pen on this occasion? Ps. 69. Title.

What was Michal's stratagem for deceiving the messengers, and what was the result?

Was there any thing in her conduct which cannot be justified?

Whither did David flee for refuge and for counsel and what passed between him and his venerable friend?

What appears to have been Samuel's ordinary occupation at this time? N. B. He probably presided over a seminary of young prophets.

Did Saul hear of David's retreat, and what ensued? v. 20—20.

What similar passage do we find in the New Testament indicating the happy effects of religious assemblies? 1 Cor, 14. 24, 25.

1 Samuel 20

Whither did David flee while Saul was in his trance, how did he lay open his heart to his friend, and how was he answered?

Does Jonathan appear to have been deceived in his father?

What further conversation ensued, and what mode of trial did they agree upon? v. 3—8.

How does Jonathan protest his fidelity to David, and what further conversation had they? V. 9—13.

What additional engagements does he urge David to enter into?

By what token did he agree to give him notice how his father stood affected towards him? V.18—23.

Was David missed at the next monthly feast, and to what did Saul attribute his absence?

Was the feast here spoken of especially commanded in the law? Num. 28.11. Ps. 81.3. N. B. Extraordinary sacrifices were offered upon this occasion, upon a part of which the offerers and their families feasted.

What transpired on the next day, and the day following, and how did Jonathan plead David's excuse? v. 24—29.

How was Saul hereby affected, and how did his rage vent itself?

What humble remonstrance did Jonathan make, and how was it received?

What saying in the Proverbs is naturally suggested by this relation? Prov. 17. 12.

How did Jonathan proceed in the morning to fulfil his promise to David? v. 35—40.

What were the circumstances of their meeting and parting?

Does it appear that they met more than once after this? ch. 23. 16—18.

1 Samuel 21

Whither did David now betake himself, and how did Ahimelech receive him?

Does it appear that he was absolutely alone? Mark 2. 26.

What seems to have been his principal object in coming hither? ch. 22. 10.

What did he answer the priest, and what is to be thought of his conduct in this respect?

Was a falsehood on this occasion both useless and inexpedient?

Did David afterwards reflect severely upon himself for his duplicity at this time? ch.22. 22.

Did Ahimelech hesitate somewhat in complying with his request, and did he finally yield?

For what purpose does our Saviour allude to this circumstance? Mat. 12. 3, 4.

Are we from hence to infer that the positive institutions of religion may be dispensed with when the preservation of life, or urgent necessity require it?

Who happened to be present at this time that afterwards proved a traitor both to David and to Ahimelech? N. B. He was probably a proselyte.

What further request did David make to Ahimelech, and what did he obtain in consequence?

Whither did he go from thence, and why?

What feelings did his coming excite in the servants of Achish, and what effect had this upon his spirits?

What stratagem did he resort to in this extremity?

What Psalm was written at this time, and what sentiments does David express in it? Ps. 34.N.B. Ahimelech mentioned in the title of this Psalm was the name common to all the kings of the Philistines.

Was this dissimulation inconsistent with perfect truth and uprightness?

What consequence followed? N. B. It is supposed by some that the 56th Ps. was also composed during David's stay at Gath on this occasion.

1 Samuel 22

Where was David's next place of resort, and who flocked to him in his voluntary exile?

What remarkable incident took place at this time? 2 Sam. 23. 13—17.

What Psalm did he write here, and what is the general strain of it? Ps. 142.

Is it probable that the Apostle alludes to David among the Old Testament worthies mentioned Heb. 11.38?

Whither, and for what purpose did he then go thence, and with what success?

Is there reason to think that the king of Moab was at this time an enemy to Israel? ch. 14.47. N. B. As David's grand-mother Ruth was a native of Moab, it is probable that this circumstance formed another inducement for him to provide a retreat for his aged parents in that country.

What prophet's counsel and company did David enjoy at this time, and what direction did he receive from him with which he complied?

What event soon occurred which showed that his presence was much needed in the land of Judah? ch. 23. 1—5.

Where was Saul abiding at this time, and what did he say to his servants when informed that David was discovered?

What new information was then given him, and what step did the king immediately take?

In what language was Ahimelech arraigned, and what did he plead in his own defence?

What sentence did Saul then barbarously pronounce upon him and his house, and how was it executed? v. 16—18.

How many persons fell victims to his cruelty on that occasion? v. 18.

Did his inhuman revenge proceed to still greater lengths? v. 19,

What former denunciation was accomplished by this fearful massacre? ch. 2. 31—-36.

Does this history present us with a mournful picture of the final consequences of undue parental indulgence?

Did Saul notwithstanding act freely in this transaction, and thus render himself as guilty as though no such previous prediction had been made?

What Psalm was written by David on the occasion of Doeg's treachery, and what is the drift of it? Ps. 62.

Who of the family escaped, what word did he bring to David, and what was his reply ? N.B. David was in Keilah at this time.

Was it however a comfort to David that he hereby secured the presence of a High Priest with him? ch. 23. 9.

1 Samuel 23

What tidings of an invasion are brought to David, and what does he do before going up against the enemy?

What practical duty is intimated to us in this circumstance? Prov. 3. 6.

For what reason did he enquire a second time and what answer did he receive?

What was the success of the expedition, and who came to him at Keilah?

Why is it mentioned that he came with an ephod in his hand? Exo. 28. 28—30.

How did Saul flatter himself when he heard of David's being at Keilah ?

What did he hereupon undertake, and to what had David recourse?

Did he repeat his enquiry, and what answer was returned him?

What effect had this on David's movements, and his on Saul's?

Where did David abide after this, and of what avail was Saul's pursuit of him?

What was David well persuaded of as to Saul's intentions, and with whom had he an interview in the wilderness for the last time?

What passed between these constant friends on this occasion?

What intelligence was now conveyed to Saul, and how did he receive it? v. 19—23,

Into what imminent peril was David there brought, and how did he escape?

Does the Lord often interpose for the deliverance of his people just at the crisis when they are about to give up all hope? 1 Cor,10. 13.

What did they thence call the place, and what does the name signify? Ans. Rock of divisions, from its separating between David and Saul on this occasion.

Whither did David thence retire ? N. B. It is supposed that it was in the wilderness of Engedi that David penned the 63d Psalm, which is replete with the most pious and and devout sentiments.

1 Samuel 24

What induced Saul to renew his pursuit of David, and how large a force did he employ for that purpose?

What remarkable Providence brought him and David together?

What did David's attendants say to him on this occasion, and with what considerations did he restrain both himself and them from harming Saul?

How far did he avail himself of the present opportunity, and with what subsequent feelings?

What are we taught by David's moderation in this instance? Prov. 16. 32.

What occurred after Saul left the cave?

Repeat the substance of David's pathetic appeal to Saul on this occasion? v. 9—15.

Was Saul exceedingly softened by David's words, and how did he reply? v. 16—20.

To what was this sudden change owing? Prov. 21. 1.

With what request of Saul did David comply before they parted?

Was David's confidence in Saul henceforth restored? Prov.26.25. John 2. 23,24.

1 Samuel 25

Whose death is here mentioned, and what tokens of public regret were manifested?

Had the people by this time undoubtedly become sensible of their folly in rejecting him and desiring a king?

Where was he buried, and whither did David retire after this?

Of whom have we an account in this connection, and what is said both of the man and his wife ? N. B. Nabal signifies folly.

On what occasion did David send a message to him, and what were the young men commanded to say? V, 4—8.

Might David justly have claimed a reward from Nabal, instead of suing for a favor?

What harsh and insolent reply did Nabal make to them?

What was David's hasty resolve when informed of what had happened? v. 13. 21, 22.

What intelligence was given in the mean time to Abigail, and what step was she prompted to take? V. 14—19.

Would she, in ordinary circumstances, have been justified in disposing so largely of her husband's property without his consent?

What were the circumstances of her interview with David, and what the substance of the plea she offered on the occasion ? v. 23—31

Was the whole address managed with the utmost prudence and ingenuity?

Was the admonition taken as well as it was given, and what was David's reply? v.32—34. Prov. 25. 12.

Did he receive her present, and what were his parting words to her?

Might not this affair of David have suggested to Herod the proper mode of releasing himself from the rash vow which finally cost the life of John the Baptist? Mat. 14. 8-—11.

What occurred soon after at Nabal's house? v.36—38.

What important results grew out of this transaction? v.39,40.

Did her modest reply intimate that she declined the proposal?

What other wife did David take, and how had Saul disposed of Michal?

1 Samuel 26

What new information did Saul receire from the Ziphites, and what probably prompted, them again to betray him? N. B. It is not unlikely that they despaired of David's pardon for their former perfidy?

What was Saul hereupon prompted to do, and how did David get intelligence of his motions?

What discovery did David himself make of Saul's situation, and what adventure did he propose to two of his comrades?

How was Abishai related to David? 1 Chron. 2. 16.

In what posture did they find things in the camp?

What was Abishai's suggestion to David, and how did he receive it?

What was the only improvement they made of the opportunity thus put into their hands?

How was he enabled to do this?

What did David do after retiring and placing himself upon a post of safety, and what dialogue ensued? v. 13—16.

What was Saul's language when he knew David's voice, and what was David's reply? v. 17—20.

What penitent acknowledgments did Saul then make, and what evidence did David produce of his own innocent intentions?

What invitation did he make to David and with what promise was it accompanied?

How did David restore him his spear and his cruse, and with what expressions did he do it? v.22—24.

What prediction did Saul utter of David's advancement?

Did Saul and David on this occasion meet and part for the last time ? N. B. There is no evidence that they ever had another interview.

1 Samuel 27

What signs of despondency did David at length evince in view of the malice of Saul and the treachery of his countrymen?

Are the strongest believers under heavy and long continued trials liable to the same inroads of unbelief? N. B. The whole train of events that mark the history of David from this time to the death of Saul shew plainly that this was one of the most ill judged steps which he could possibly have taken. It involved disobedience to a former command (ch, 22. 5.) and led him to adopt an equivocating course of conduct highly derogatory to his character, and followed by evident tokens of divine displeasure.

Whither did he fly for refuge, with what attendants, and with what effect upon Saul?

What request did he make of Achish, and what did he do in compliance with it?

Was Ziglag in the country of the Philistines, or did it properly belong to the inheritance of Israel? Josh. 15.31.

How long a time did he dwell there, what expedition did he then engage in, and with what success?

Had this people been long ago doomed to destruction? N. B. The Geshurites and the Gezrites were probably branches of the Amalekites and fell under the general sentence.

What region did they inhabit?

What account did he give to Achish after his return, and what is to be thought of it? N.B. What David said was undoubtedly true in itself, although it did not convey a true impression of the fact to the mind of Achish, who at once concluded from this ambiguous answer that David had been fighting against his own countrymen, and had thus widened the breach between himself and them so that it could not be healed. He must, however, be acquitted of a positive falsehood.

What severity did David employ in this cxpedition, and for what reason?

1 Samuel 28

On what occasion did Achish design to secure the services of David, and what evasive, answer did he receive which he construed favorably?

What promise did he make upon that understanding to David?

What mention is made here of Samuel and Saul, and why is it introduced in this place? Ans. To prepare the way for the subsequent narrative of Saul's consulting the witch of Endor.

Was there any law which required the putting away of wizards, witches, &c. out of the land. Ex. 22. 18.

Where did Saul gather his army together, and what circumstances tended greatly to dispirit him? v.4—6.

Was not a guilty conscience at the bottom of all his terrors?

What had he recourse to in this extremity?

What express command did he violate in this, and how was his conduct grossly inconsistent? v.3. Lev. 19. 31,

What information did he receive, and in what circumstances did he make the application?

What objection did the woman offer, and how did Saul obviate it?

Relate the circumstances which followed till the risen prophet began to address Saul. v.11—14, N.B. There is far more difficulty than importance in giving a satisfactory reply to all the queries that might be started in respect to this mysterious transaction. The only clue which can guide us to a correct view of it, is to compare this case with whatever of a similar nature we find elsewhere mentioned in the Scriptures. The miracles apparently wrought by the enchantments of the magicians in Egypt no doubt came the nearest to it, although the apparition of a disembodied human spirit is a far greater event than the other. But in both cases we think all idea of Satanic agency is to be excluded, and the immediate hand of God acknowledged in what is wrought; and in both we are led to believe that the arts and incantations employed by the nominal workers of the miracles merely afforded an occasion on which the Almighty saw fit to put forth his power and in a sovereign manner to co-operate and concur in the production of a supernatural effect—an effect at the same time so vastly beyond the force of the means employed, as to be a source of equal astonishment to the ostensible agents, as to any one else, and leaving them without any rational pretence to ascribe it to their own power. Our conclusion therefore is that it was the real Samuel who now appeared and spake such words of terror to Saul; although from the narrative being couched in language suited to popular conceptions rather than to absolute verity, some parts of it require to be interpreted with a due discrimination between "the letter and the spirit."," To-morrow thou shalt be with me"—merely announces the fact that on the ensuing day, Saul should be in the invisible state, as Samuel then was, without intimating that he should be with Samuel in happiness.

What conference ensued between Samuel and Saul on this occasion?

How did this terrible message affect Saul, and what served to increase the effect?

What did the woman say to him, and was he at length prevailed upon to partake of some refreshment?

Does the whole transaction shew an astonishing degree of desperation in Saul?

Does it also prove in a striking manner that the wicked in seasons of danger and distress are often ready to apply to good men whom they have before despised and rejected? Jer.37.2,3.

1 Samuel 29

Where did the Philistines gather their armies, and into what trying dilemma was David brought? v. 1—5.

Had not these princes of the Philistines sound reason and policy on their side?

Is it always wise to be slow in trusting those who have changed sides?

What door was providentially opened for his escape out of the difficulty?

How did he reply to Achish's complimentary discharge?

Is there not reason to think his language had somewhat of a double sense and that he inwardly rejoiced to be sent away?

What parallel case of politic dissimulation may be mentioned? 2 Sam. 16. 15—19.

Did Achish persist in David's leaving the ranks, and what final orders did he give him with which he complied?

1 Samuel 30

What sad event had taken place in Ziglag during David's absence?

Was this probably intended as a rebuke for his previous conduct?

In what was the hand of a kind Providence particularly conspicuous in the capture of the city?

How was David affected by the spectacle, and what increased his distress?

What was his first step at this juncture, and what answer did he obtain? v. 7, 8.

What is said of his pursuit of the enemy, and of the means by which he was enabled to come up with them? v. 9—15.

In what posture did he find them, and what was the result of the attack? v. 16—20.

How was he received by the two hundred men he had left behind, what difficulty had like to have arisen about the distribution of the spoil, and how was it prevented?

What ordinance was thenceforward established in Israel touching the distribution of spoil?

How did this differ from the appointment of Moses in respect to the spoil of Midian? Num. 31. 27.

What presents did David then make ?

1 Samuel 31

What prediction of David respecting Saul was now about to be fulfilled? ch. 26. 10.

What is said of the success of the Philistines in the engagement?

Whom was Saul constrained to see fall before his eyes?

What did he desire of his armor-bearer, and did he obtain his request? N.B. The Jews have a tradition that Sauls armor-bearer was no other than Doeg, the Edomite.

What was the fate of both of them at last?

What is elsewhere said of the procuring cause of Saul's death? 1 Chron. 10. 13, 14.

What effect had the defeat of Saul's army upon the adjacent country?

Does reference seem to be had to this long after by one of the prophets ? Hos. 13. 10. 11

What was done by the Philistines the next day and subsequently?

How were the remains of Saul and his sons rescued from the Philistines, and what was done with them?

What was their motive in this act of kindness? ch.ll.

Had the Philistines very little reason to boast of this victory? 2 Sam. 5. 17—25.

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