1 Kings 18

What command of the Lord came unto Elijah after many days?

What eminently good man belonged at this time to the court of Ahab, and how had he shown his zeal for the Lord of Hosts?

Does his example teach us that difficult, but useful, stations should be occupied by good men as long as they can do it with a good conscience?

What were the circumstances under which Elijah and Obadiah met, and what conversation had they together? v. 5—16.

With what salutation did Ahab accost Elijah, and how did the prophet answer him?

Has this been of old a common charge against the best and most useful of men? Acts17. 6.

What demand did Elijah then make of the King, and did he accede to it?

What was the Prophet's first address to the people when convened? v. 21.

To whom is this at all times a proper question to be proposed?

How did he then propose to have the matter brought to a fair trial? v. 22—24.

Relate that part of the transaction, v. 25—35.

Does Elijah's example prove that it is occasionally proper to expose vice and irreligion by ridicule?

How was the whole affair concluded ? v. 36—40.

Why did the supernatural fire that consumed the burnt-ofiering, burn up the altar too? Deut. 12. 5, 6.

Were Baal's prophets slain in pursuance of a divine command, so that Elijah is to be exempted from the charge of cruelty? Deut.13. 1—5 and 18. 20—22.

What did Elijah then say to Ahab?

Whither did he go himself, and what circumstances occurred previous to the falling of the shower of rain? v. 41—45.

What do we learn from this in case our prayers are not speedily answered?

Whither did he go from Mt. Carmel, and was not his speed supernatural? N. B. It is probable that both Ahab and Elijah reached Jezreel just in time to escape the shower. The threatening aspect of the heavens would no doubt lead Ahab to drive with all possible rapidity, and yet the prophet ran before him all the way!

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